Since last summer I was actively planning an outreach event for girls in grades 6-8. Together with the MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the Society of Women Engineers in Boston, we hosted a full day of engineering workshops to engage and encourage these young girls in the fields of math, science, and engineering. After the students checked in, they were directed to tables with all sorts of different donated hardware such as Rock Band guitars, printers, computers, old cell phones, etc. The girls were given screwdrivers and allowed to take any item apart to explore its technology. Best of all, they didn't have to put it back together!! Throughout the day, group rotated in 4 workshops: Robotics, Solar Energy Car, Electrical Circuit, and Lip Gloss mixing. Each workshop was hands on and the girls got to leave with what they built during the activity. During lunch, we had a Liquid Nitrogen demonstration where the girls had the opportunity to smash pennies, flowers, and marshmallows that were dipped in liquid nitrogen. The event was such a success, that we're planning the next one for this July!!!