Tomorrow I will be on site at Kennedy Space Center not only go to work, but to also be interviewed during a live broadcast for STS-119 mission coverage. There may be some TV networks I'll be on, but I won't know which ones until tomorrow. I am scheduled to air on around 7:45pm EDT. (see below)
Spaceflight Now and the Coalition for Space Exploration
invite you to tune in to a live five-hour video Web cast of the
Space Shuttle Discovery launch on Wednesday, March 11, from
Spaceflight Now's Mission Status Center at the Kennedy Space
Center. The shuttle launch is scheduled for 9:20 p.m. EDT. The Web
cast will start at 4:30 p.m. EDT at
This revolutionary approach for bringing up-to-the-minute coverage to your computer and hand-held device will feature veteran broadcaster Miles O'Brien and David Waters. Special guest appearances include:
Tune in at between the hours of 4:30 and 9:45 p.m. Follow the broadcasters, and ask questions, live via Twitter during the Web cast!

Of course we'll watch you, Damaris.
Good luck!
You really are becoming a VIP ;)
How great for you! I'll be checking in to see you AND the launch.
Ill be watching - if im not studying for my cal test tomarow morning.
goodluck with everything!
wow! U R ON TV! gr8. how did it go?
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