Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're good to go today!

The STS-127 launch attempt was postponed for 24 hours yesterday while the launch team reviewed data and performed subsystem checks due to some significant lightning strikes that hit Pad A on Friday afternoon. NASA says no problems with shuttle systems have been found in the post-lightning checks. No damage was found to any of the Shuttle's electrical subsystems and all the retest tasks have been successfully completed. NASA says no problems with shuttle systems have been found in the post-lightning checks.

We have better weather today, with only 30% chance of showers or thunderstorms prohibiting launch.

Launch is set for 7:13pm EDT. I will still have a interview with, but due to the slight launch delay, my interview will be a little earlier at 5:15pm EDT.


Anonymous said...

Great news! The 70% chance for liftoff is much more promising. Hopefully there won't be any problematic issues regarding the filling of the external tank. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Everything is looking good so far! I'm streaming the spaceflightnow webcast and I am awaiting to see your interview. Best of luck!

Yohan said...

I just saw your interview on You were great. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I second Yohan's comment! :o)