I'm feeling quite relieved. Last night....LATE last night, I turned in my research to my professor to look over. My term ends April 22nd and by then, I will have completed my first Masters. It was just such a relief to complete the main content of the research. Now I should have a little more time to devote to my astronaut application. :)
On Saturday, I went with my SCUBA class to De Leon Springs to complete our first open water dive. We only went about 24 feet deep. However, this Sunday, we'll be traveling to dive off the coast of West Palm Beach and will be going about 60 feet under water! I'm really enjoying SCUBA and it's just a whole different world underwater with sounds and I think the coolest thing is looking up at the surface of the water. I can't wait to see all types of aquatic life on Sunday. Here are a couple of shots from Saturday. SCUBA gear is not quite flattering, but let me tell you, that cap kept me really warm. Even in our classes in the pool, I've been shivering. As we lose 70% of our body heat through our head, the cap keeps me warm in the cold water.

Endeavour will be landing at KSC on Wednesday. There will be two landing attempts. One at 7:05pm and the other at 8:39pm. It's going to be a little difficult to get some good shots as it's a night landing, but I'm hoping to get some photos once the orbiter is on the runway.
I am looking forward to my Seattle trip coming up in April. There is still snow on Crystal Mountain. I'm so excited I want to start packing my ski stuff now! It's my niece's 1st birthday and baptism so I figured I'd sneak in a little skiing while I was up there and enroll my 4-year old niece, Ashley, in a class too. I've promised Ashley I would talk to her school, St. George Parish Catholic School. I hear the pre-school through eighth-graders are looking forward to my presentation.