Starting today is about the day that you may want to be checking this site below more frequently. Hopefully the weather will be good for a launch on saturday. It just finished hailing and storming here in orlando!!
The countdown tomorrow starts at 5pm. This is where the excitement starts y'all!
Before Discovery takes off, I am going to try to get a picture of her sitting out on the launch pad. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
STS-121: Discovery Set to Launch July 1
here is the press release on the results of the FRR. We're go for launch on July 1. Get excited y'all!!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Where I am these days.....
Wow, I didn't think taking two courses this semester was going to be so hectic. I guess the stress and workload with the launch has something to do with it too. I am in the middle of writing 3 research papers and i have until the end of this week to complete my midterm. At the same time, i am trying to get ahead because as soon as Discovery launches, i am being flown out to houston for imagery support. I decided that next semester I am going to just take one course to make time for starting flying lessons. (yey!)
Today the flight readiness review (FRR) for STS-121 ended. it was on friday and saturday (today). During the FRR is when managers discuss any final assessments and finalize the launch date. i tried searching all over to see what the outcome was....but unless something comes out tomorrow..then i won't find out till monday.
Again, i will post my most favorite site for everyone to keep track of up-to-date news on the mission:
My daddy came up for the weekend. So far we have watched the World Cup, ate Sushi at Wazzabi, and now are lounging on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend...To all the fathers out there...have a Happy Father's Day weekend...
"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy"
F.Y.I: The first father's day was on June 10, 1910 in Spokane, WA but became national in 1972.
I'm going to go read some more. Break time is over. :)
Today the flight readiness review (FRR) for STS-121 ended. it was on friday and saturday (today). During the FRR is when managers discuss any final assessments and finalize the launch date. i tried searching all over to see what the outcome was....but unless something comes out tomorrow..then i won't find out till monday.
Again, i will post my most favorite site for everyone to keep track of up-to-date news on the mission:
My daddy came up for the weekend. So far we have watched the World Cup, ate Sushi at Wazzabi, and now are lounging on the couch getting ready to watch a movie. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend...To all the fathers out there...have a Happy Father's Day weekend...
"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy"
F.Y.I: The first father's day was on June 10, 1910 in Spokane, WA but became national in 1972.
I'm going to go read some more. Break time is over. :)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Tile Coupon Samples Coming Out Of The Oven

wish you guys all could have been here to do this. First of all, I wasn't able to get pictures of me making my tiles. but i did want to show you this. This is just a test coupon of the material (silica) that the tiles are made of. The pictures shown here are of tiles coupons in the oven at 2200 degrees fahrenheit!!! It was hard to get good pictures because the camera was acting up due to the low light. the ones of me holding the sample coupon did not come out good. Basically, after the tile is coated (black ceramic coating), it goes into the oven to cure the coating, then it is waterproofed. When these coupons come out of the oven, the middle of the sample are hot, but the edges are cool enough to hold, just how one of the techs here is holding. But imagine that.. coming out of the oven at 2200 degrees F, and touching it with your bare hands...!!! :) Too cool.
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