A fighters view over the launch pad!

I started this blog to document the actions I am taking in trying to become an astronaut. It's my ultimate goal, my dream. Every week or so I post a new update to recap the week or add interesting pictures. I hope you enjoy the site and remember to follow your dreams no matter what others may think of them.
Good luck and great blog!! I guess in some cases, the sky isn't the limit. :)
Did you see that you've been added to "Blogs of Note?" Now's a great time to get some kind of hit counter, because you're about to get a tidal wave of new traffic.
God bless you, I would love to do half of things you do. Anything we can help you to make your dream a reality just ask us.
In my 1960's childhood I wanted more than anything to be an astronaut when I grew up. I hope you make it to the moon!
awesome picture! the world looks a lot better from up there
Hi and greetings from Germany. I wish you good luck and may all your dreams come true!
If you really want you can make it!!!
Hi, there are some great pictures, I love them. I wish you good luck and never give up on your dreams. Make them real and allways believe.
This is brillaint Damaris. Good luck wiith ur job!
Good luck to you.
Personally, I don't go anywhere that Domino's won't deliver to. That rules out sea cruises and trips into orbit.
Greetings from Singapore and awesome pics u have there.
My country is among the smallest nations in the worlds and dun even have a space program. Haha
Haiz, I never even been on a plane. But I promised myself that I will. And someday you will be a great Astronaut!
It’s great to see people still believing in their dreams.
Good luch fellow Blog of Note author!
The pics are awesome, your dream seems to be within reach, and I hope your blog can be the first blog in space!
^^^^^^ Casual Friday ^^^^^^
...superb pics... i hope u realise all your dreams..and im hoping you'll have the strenght to not stop working at them, jst 'cuz u hit a black hole ( the earth ones) a few times... defy gravity then.. dnt give up..! all the very very best!
Great Idea. Great pictures. Keep it up. Have enjoyed it all so far.
Yes space travel is one of the top things on my list, and I am glad you share in this interest with us.
Good luck! And keep us posted on your page!
:) In 2150? I think we will be on mars before we have a female president...
nice blog!
very nice, good luck with your job and nice pictures :)
only a few years ago, when i was a child, i wished i could fly in space someday, like astronauts do... :P
hope you reach your dream, good luck!
Could you bring back the moon to me? Pleeeease!
Good luck! Honk the horn when you over Sweden.
Yay for Astronauts! Coolest proffession ever. May your dreams of space travel come true!
wow. I am so jealous!
good luck with your aeronautical endevours, I hope it's everything you dream it to be and more :)
Wow! what an amazing blog! These pictures are so great! How did you take them? Did you have a camera in the cockpit??? This is a bumb question i know but still! Shock and awe!
Great idea for a blog but wheres the content?
The pic are great but there isn't actualy any detailing of how things are going.
I undertand a lot of the stuff you do day to day is probably classified but you could explane how a civilan can go about becoming and astronaught and detail the steps you are taking.
Great potential here.
But at the moment it is very much style over substance.
vc não deve saber falarminha lingua e nem eu a sua
então estamos kitis
I am dont inglis
e e isso aew
so passei para falar q tahshow seu blog e fazer o comvitede ir no meu blogger
Hi, hope you are successful at catching your dream :) Greetings from Germany
Hi! I'm mexican, just i want to congratulate you, for this great idea to inform us about your dream, i have been always curiosity to know all about to be astronaut.
I enjoy your site
Have fun, and stay safe!
^That guy's a fake. Let's pants him.
you are an astronaut! ;)
cool pictures ;)
when i was young my ultimate dream is to become an astronaut. but i guess i dont have the necessary resources to fulfill it. your blog is really inspiring. thanks for sharing your world.
I've bookmarked your blog because you're somebody we want to be watching and cheering you on. So happy for you!
Great pics! Good luck on your up and coming career!
I just wanted to tell you that I have had your blog bookmarked for about a week. I wondered why there were no comments on such a tremendous Topic.
Congrats. Good Luck.
Can’t wait to see where you’re headed!
wow! awesome pics! you must be really lucky to work in such close proximity to the space shuttles. when i was a kid i would have given anything to see what you have seen down there.
I would personally love to get to do science in space, maybe even mars!
But the way things are going, I may even be too old for that!
Oh come on now. You're a GIRL!
Ahh, why cant women go to space? Many have already, frankly it gives you an advantage (a kind of affirmative action so to speak) if you are good, and a woman.
This is so fantastic. This will inspire all little girls. Keep up the good work.
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realy that's fantastitc i was me too working in mohamed 5 airport in morroc and i feel very happy to see tis image
That is a really amazing picture!
Hi, I was out blogging and found your site. It certainly got my attention and interest. I was looking for City information and even though this isn't a perfect match I enjoyed your site. Thanks for the read!
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