It's hard to believe that I have been in Boston for 8 months now. I absolutely love my job and living in this city. I think 8 months is good enough to say I've gotten settled into the area, the new job, my first experience with an actual snowy winter, new friends, and a puppy (Higley)!

Now time for the realistic "how-can-I-improve" list. There are so many things that I want to work towards. My main priority for the first quarter is an event I'm coordinating for the Society of Women Engineers this coming March. We're planning a full Saturday of engineering workshops for girls in grades 6-8. While I knew it was going to be a lot of work, I'm blown away by everything that has to come together to make an event this big happen.
Other personal things on my list include:
Take a photography class to really make the most out of my camera
Eat healthy and keep my exercise routine going
Teach myself sign language
Read more books
Plan a ladies camping escape trip in the woods
Keep in touch with friends better
Run a half marathon
Learn Japanese
Become a Big Sister
Let's be thankful for all that we have and for the support we've had from either family or friends. I hope everyone has a successful 2011 an good luck if you're working towards any personal goals!
Welcome, 2011!
I noticed that becoming an astronaut is not on your list.
There is definitely always the "long term" goal list where becoming an astronaut is on. Just reasonably, within this year, it's not a realistic achievable goal. :( But I am keeping up to date with any new details about potential astronaut selections. I think the focus is more on successfully and safely getting us there first.
I guess with the shuttle program ending, gainful employment for astronauts is waning. However, I continue to be amazed with all you accomplish. You are an inspirational engineer.
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