Saturday, July 23, 2005

An update on ME! :)

First I want to thank all the people who have been sending such supporting messages to me on my blog. I truly appreciate it. It only inspires me and keeps me motivated even more to reach my goal.

I know I have only been uploading pictures lately and not documenting what I am doing or really how I got here. If you go back to my very first blog, you can see a little "intro" on me.

As stated in my first posting, I graduated from Texas A&M University in May with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Since I was young I would just sit in front of the TV and watch the NASA channel. There would be no sound. I would just watch the world turn and the astronauts up in space. It was great.

While I was in college I worked for The Spacecraft Technology Center. I was hired in as a student-worker to work on some computer networking tasks. Although not related to my major, I wanted to get my feet in the door, and I did. Working there really helped open doors. I was involved in a reduced gravity project for about two years. You totally have to check out the site: I also had the chance to work with a payload called StarNav 1 that was onboard Columbia (STS-107). I really enjoyed that because the team was able to sit at the console for the entire duration of the mission. On the headsets in mission control we could hear when they would wake the astronauts up with music; Oh it was so inspiring.

So currently I work for Boeing out at KSC. I also was an intern for two terms working in the Structural Integrity group for the ISS in Houston, TX. So one day I saw there was a position open at KSC, and well.. here I am.

I was hired into the Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) group as a Aerothermal Engineer. Its great because most of the courses I concentrated on in college were Structures related. Its always good to explore different areas and fields.

Right now I am studying for the GRE and the FE; Getting ready for GRAD SCHOOL. I have applied and sent all my paperwork to Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. I would like to get a masters in Aerospace Science specializing in Human Factors. I want to give the hard engineering a little break, but I am sure after that degree I will go back and get another masters in engineering.

Ok.. I will write more on Monday and upload a couple more pictures. There are some more cool ones, but I left them on my work computer. Sorry if this post is extremely long, but I did get some comments that I am not writing enough about me and what I'm doing. Hope this helps a little :) Bye!


Wanda said...

I love it that you are following your dream! Wouldn't the world be a better place if we were all encouraged to do what we love and love what we do?

You GO!

best wishes,
Wanda Tucker

Monica said...

I adored your spirit...Keep it up girl...

BlogVantage said...

Hi Damaris!

I just found your blog today and I have you linked on my own "From The Earth To The Moon."

Good luck in all your endeavors.

- Barry.

JMB said...

I have always been interested in NASA and with the idea of going into space. Your blog is like a dream come true!!
I wish you all the best and good luck in your quest to the final frontier.

Jason Bower

Anonymous said...

You have quite an interesting weblog. One of my childhood dreams was to become a test-pilot/astronaut, but my poor eyesight ensures that I'll be staying on the ground for a long time. Now I'm on the path to becoming a lowly nuclear fusion researcher, in hope that my efforts will one day contribute to the development of a nuclear fusion space propulsion system.

I can't give you any words of wisdom or advice on how to succeed in reaching your goals because I'm about to enter my sophomore year as a Physics major, so by definition, I know nothing. But I do wish you good luck, and I hope you do succeed in reaching your goals.

maskedgeek said...

Wow that so cool, I wanted to be an astronaut too, but... well I gave that up like two months ago, because I realized how competitive it really is... and I wasn't a great student during high school... and I found out that our valedictorian was also pursuing that same dream... so I just set more reasonable goals for myself I guess, but I want to see you achieve your dream, if I can't Haha... So you go GIRL! LoL

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm a spanish girl. I want to study Astronomy. I love it. And, i'm making a project of Huygens-cassini mision. I enjoy with it.
Sorry, my english is very bad!!!
I looked you blog long time ago, but I hadn't written here.
I would be like you. NASA is my dream. Now I try to study hard and someday... I don't know.
The best wishes.

Darcy Guyant said...

Best wish to you in your endevor. I am an Embry-Riddle Graduate(86') ERU is a great school.
I dreamed about entering the space program many years ago myself, but life took me down another path.
I'll be watching your progress toward achieving your dream.

Crafty Mom said...

HI Damaris, Blogger was featuring your Blog today on there main page. Your Blog is awesome. I still remember how exciting it was when I first Graduated College (1981!) & got the awesome first job. Our fields are very different, I am a Registered Nurse. But it is always wonderful to see young people Pursue their Dreams & make them a reality. I wish you all the best.

WildWeazel said...

Hey I just wanted to say it's great that you are blogging this. I wanted to be an astronaut for years when I was a kid, and I guess I still do, but now it's more of a fantasy than my my actual career goal (fighter pilot). I have decided though that if I DO become an astronaut, I won't be working for NASA- I want to fly for Burt Rutan instead. :) If you haven't read the book High Calling, about Rick Husband, I would highly recommend it.

Cowtown Pattie said...

Amazing photos from an amazing Aggie!

Your site is great, and I will be back often - its like having my own personal connection to the space center!

Dave said...

I helped build the shuttle, now I just watch it take off from a lake near by.

Often said...
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Often said...

Very nice blog, congratulations! I really liked it, and I will put a link to it in mine. Best wishes and keep it up!

Unknown said...

See you in Mars!!

shima! said...

wow, I have just discovered your blog and I have to say you're an incredibly amazing person for following your dream.

Congrats on graduating from T A & M!

I myself became fascinated with astronomy in the 3rd grade when it was first introduced to us - but since then, due to lack of encouragment and pressure to pursue a career in the med. field, I have changed my ambition to satisfy people around me, including my parents. But hearing about you going after what you love to do gives me a small dose of satisfaction.

Keep up the good work!

jerry said...

its so awesome that you are pursuing your dream at the fullest....i happen to love famous quotes, and what you are doing brings a couple to mind, so here is a little inspiration for you, i hope it speaks to you....

"Dont ask what the world needs, instead ask what makes you come alive, and go and do that, because what the world needs are people who have come alive".....William Bly

and of course my personal favorite:
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with thosecold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat."....Theodore Roosevelt.

good luck to you in your adventure of life, i will be watching your blog with great interest....

Kenneth Kwame Welsh said...

First of all, I want to thank you for putting this blog up.

Secondly, pursue your dreams. Back in the day, I wanted to be an astronaut too. I studied constantly. My dad even ordered those World Book encyclopedia Science Craft books. I even went to engineering school specializing in Mechanical Engineering, to go into the military, and eventually space.

My dreams were side-tracked (railroaded lol), but I am following my dreams of writing and publishing, hence this blog.

Email me:
I'm on AIM too as: bravewarrior24


Anonymous said...

Awesome. It used to be a childhood dream of mine - and I'm glad you're pursuing it the way you are. All the best.
Lightspeed to you.

James Coombs said...

Great blog! :-D Really hope that you fulfill your dream of becoming an astronaut. I have a dream that is very similar so I know the absolute obsession that comes from watching the launches and space walks and all the rest. Only I'm pinning my hopes on the X-prize and Burt Rutan.

- James

Anonymous said...

Hi Damaria,
I say GO FOR IT...we have two things in common...when I was young all I wanted was to go into space...alas it didn't work out that way. Thing 2 I am an Aggie Class of '92 Whoop Best of luck ..I like your Blog!

Ryan and Liz said...

Go for it girl! You can do it. Being an Aggie ('03) I would love to see an aggie up there in space! Best wishes and take care!

Unknown said...

When did you know you wanted to be an astronaut? Good Luck!!!Very interesting career

Vinod said...

You seem to be very determined and focused on your goal, a very rare trait in many 23 year olds. You will achieve you dream of becoming an astronaut, no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I just wanted to say how awesome and inspiring it is to hear your story. I have always wanted to work with something dealing with outer space, but people always discourage me when I bring up the subject. Your story really gives me encouragement and hope. Thanks and God bless!

Avi said...

Your blog, and your dream are both incredibly inspiring. You KNOW you can become an astronaut, and I now believe it too. I'll be all smiles when you launch. I know you will.

Anandi said...

Yay! Good luck to you!


Hey Damaris, I just saw your blog. I think it's cool that you want to become an astronaut. I hope to become one some day myself. Good luck, hopefully we'll meet in the astronaut corps someday.