I did it!!!
I just finished applying to NASA's Astronaut Candidate Program. YEY!! However, after submitting my resume, I was granted access to complete some other NASA required forms. On Tuesday I need to call my eye doctor to get my eye prescription and mail in my transcripts. Then, I can completely submit all the required forms and I'll be done.
I hope (know) you'll be accepted. You're already a hero to many, and seeing you achieve and succeed further with just heighten my admiration for what you're doing.
Good Luck! I'm rooting for you.
This is your first step toward space. Best wishes for your dream.
Look ahead and always shoot high. Stars are not that far -- ESA astronaut Paolo Nespoli before boarding Discovery for his STS-120 rookie flight
Woo hoo, finally. I have been reading your blog, but not keeping up 100%, but I shall now, to see when you get blown into space.
Goody goody for you. Hard wotk does pay off!
Hey! On behalf of all the users of ForumAstronautico.it, here in Italy, I wish you all the best.
You can follow the ongoing posting of the support messages here: http://www.forumastronautico.it/index.php?topic=6700
The first woman on the moon and Mars?
heartiest congratulations..your on your way..my wishes with you..how good should your eyesight be for the selection?
Nice! I really hope they accept you. Maybe you'll walk on the surface of a near-Earth asteroid...
I've been following your blog for a long time now, and I think you'd make an excellent candidate. One thing they should look for is someone with your enthusiasm for public outreach, and a fine ability to carry it out.
Keep us updated!
Dear Damaris:
Congratulations, is really great to see that you do what you want, that you have dreams and fight for them.
I just admire you for your strength and I want to see you smiling and believe that you will be in Space soon. I'm your first fan!
Congratulations again and I hope you achieve all your dreams.
Big, big love from Portugal: Neide
Good Luck, Damaris!
If I were NASA, I would accept you right now 8-)
Give me some years, and I'll be controlling your flights from earth... I hope :P
Will the next post come from space? :P
Good luck from your Italian fans!
Congratulations!!!! I hope you make it to the program. Thats very exciting that you are making your dreams come ture. My advice is to never give up and don't let people pull you down and don't let them expect or assume of you in a negative way. Agian, congratulations and I hope that you will be able to set your foot on the Moon and also Mars.
Good luck from your italian fan of forumastronautico.it !!
Congratulations! FIngers crossed for you!
Awesome work! Best of luck with the application. Hard work does pay off!
Congrats! I've been a reader of your blog for a while. I'm actually the curriculum coordinator for the SpaceTEC Microgravity program. Look forward to meeting you in person.
Best of luck Damaris. From your readers in Australia.
Thats awesome!
Really hope that you'll be able to go further!
Congratulations, Damaris! Best wishes for your acceptance into the program. I know this has been a lifelong dream for you, and you are one step closer! I appreciate all of the hard work you have put into this effort. You have had many exciting and interesting experiences, but the best is yet to come!
Congrats on submitting your application. I'm working on the finishing touches to my application now and should submit it within the week (I hope). I also completed my SCUBA training recently while juggling work+school, so I can relate to what you've been going through. Good luck to us both!
Well, good luck. It will be very interesting to see what the selected class for this year looks like, after such a long gap with no calls/selection.
I am finalizing my app right now too. There is always something just around the corner that would be great to add to the old CV. I keep thinking... man in one more week I will hear about X. But, you have to cut it off sometime.
Good luck, Damaris!! There's not that many people who can casually say that they officially completed their astronaut candidate application :p
man, oh man, i hope you get this. i've been thinking about your getting in for a year now. looking forward to a brilliant acceptance post :)
All the best to you, I hope you make it!
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