I have been applying to various schools for another Master’s. I have chosen to pursue a degree in either Materials Science & Engineering or Biomedical Engineering as both fields spark a great interest to me. I’ve rounded up all my transcripts and am about to mail those out along with the letters of recommendation. I hope to complete the application process for all schools by the middle of next week.
Speaking of next week, I will be in Houston on behalf of the Coalition for Space Exploration to promote NASA’s 50th Year Anniversary. Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan and I will be available for various media interviews that will be on live television and radio at Space Center Houston. Together we hope to highlight NASA’s success over the last 50 years and benefits of space exploration.

The day after that, I will be traveling to where I received my undergraduate degree from, Texas A&M University, to do a presentation to the Space Engineering Institute students of the Spacecraft Technology Center (STC). While I was an undergrad, I worked for the STC and I have to say this is what helped my career get started in the space industry. I am very excited to go back and see some of the people I worked with as well as meet the SEI students and tell them of my experiences. Next week will be very busy!!
The following launch schedule changes were announced this morning:
STS-125 (Atlantis) launch has been moved to October 14th @ 10:19pm EDT
STS-126 (Endeavour) launch has been moved to November 16th @ 7:07 pm EDT
You are truly an inspiration! Never sitting still for a moment trying hard to get where you want. I have a question though. In the states is it possible to do a masters in engineering with a bachelors in physics since engineering is basically applied physics. I'm canadian btw (3rd year physics)
I posted the comment above. One more thing I was in mechatronics engineering, got half way through and then decided to switch. When I was on co-op I worked as a Biomed research engineer and let me tell you. It's an amazing field, but I would say materials eng is more relevant and benifical to human space exploration.
It is definitely possible to get an engineering masters with a physics degree. Most likely, there will be some additional classed to to the masters curriculum to catch you up. Same would go if I wanted a masters in Physics. There are classes I would have to take get me through the master's curriculum.
Thanks for your comment!
I found your blog today, and I love it! I'm currently a junior meteorology major at A&M, and I'd love to meet you! I too, want to be an astronaut. :)
I'm currently doing planetary science work. I started working on MER data last fall, and this past spring I started working on Phoenix. I worked at Phoenix's operations center over the summer, and right now I'm still doing research and stuff with Phoenix.
E-mail me at aggieastronaut @ yahoo . com
Thanks for replying damaris. I have one more question for you and would be grateful if you could answer it. After talking to a few people working on Orion at Lockheed Martin and other contractors I am well aware of the fact that there are plenty of oppertunities for engineers (especially aerospace, electrical and comp) but how are oppetunities when it comes to science? Are there a lot of openings/demand at NASA for scientists? Physicists to be more specific, and if so then what kind of physicists? Astro, particle etc...?
Thanks for taking the time to reply!
- Sohaib
Sohaib, there are definitely opportunities in the sciences and specifically in the discipline of Physics.
I know Boeing specifically has jobs in electrophysics and Physics would be in conjunction with other areas like Materials and Processes.
But you can definitely get more detailed with NASA. Here is an example of a job specific to particle physics:
It really comes down to performing a detailed search with physics as a keyword if that's what you're interested in. Then, really take the time to read through the description.
Damaris! I saw your interview on CNN's website about NASA's 50th b-day and the future of space exploration. You were great. Thanks for helping inspire the next generation. Have a safe trip back. See you soon.
P.S. Love the blog!
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